The syntax of our wiki pages is based on the markdown syntax (see this guide). If you need more background, read the Wiki Guide for Beginners and the Quick Guide. That makes it more "standard" and portable than other formats, while allowing experts to type it directly.
[http://site text]
[[Modified Markdown Syntax]]
[[search:How to edit wikis]]
[[q:How to edit wikis]]
[[[Terms of service]]]
{{special code}}
{{at Burnt River}}
See Help with locations++ for details.
[Section details not found in [[rk.Admin:Help with locations#details]]!]
When defining a category, which is a restricted operation, certain syntax can be used to add more information about the relationship between categories.
{{roles:Category2:Role1,Role2}} means that a topic in the current category can be linked from one in Category2 as one of the roles in the list. There are special roles:
{{.noComments:true}} will turn off comments on the respective topic - they are by default on.
See more properties at Wiki Properties.
{{xpl...}} see WikiPath
{{xmap...}} see WikiPath
{{img[.icon|.small|.medium] URL ARGS}}
{{photo URL ARGS}}
ARGS are optional attributes of the img http tag.
{{video URL}} is good for videos shared from youtube.
{{video URL}}
Insert form fields using the {{f: properties. These are some example:
A simple string field: {{f:simpleField}}
Select/choices: {{f:province:type=select,choices=ON|QC}}
Province ONQC
A checkbox: {{f:check1:type=checkbox}}
A memo: {{f:memo1:type=textarea,rows=3}}
Memo: </p>
Note that we also use special DSL markups - so avoid starting any line with a dot . or a dollar sign $ - these have special meanings.
There are several ways to embed HTML, each with it's own quirks.
Most HTML tags are allowed to be embedded freely inside the markdown content.
The lines between these tags will be printed "as is" in the page - i.e. they can contain any HTML content.
You can embed scripts in {{html}} tags, HTML content type pages as well as inside {{inline}} tags.
Note that you should likely turn off require.js by using this setting in pages that use scripts, especially if you load external js libraries - require.js has a tendency to mess with these:
..diesel.requireJs false
You can include specific stylesheet and css inside any page: put it in a section called stylesheet.light:
{{section stylesheet.light}} {{/section}}
Include in there anything you would normally put in a <style> tag. Light is the default theme and optionally, if you allow it, you can have a .dark version.
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