2013 WEC Ontario Mini Enduro Championship Pub   Share



Wingham - McIntosh Property - location is approx 2 km west of Wingham on Hwy 85, if your travelling from Wingham they are on the right hand side of the road - watch for large McIntosh Estate sign and orange arrows. Overnight camping is allowed in the pits (no services).

Meaford - Baskerville Property - Address for google maps #086131 side road 7, Meaford.

Guelph - Billings Property - a few minutes west of Guelph,# 5625 Wellington 85 Ariss Rd (road that runs from Guelph to Elmira, formerly highway 86)

Shelburne - Oneil Property, Shelburne, ON - 515509 Second Line Amaranth, Shelburne

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By: Razie | 2013-06-03 .. 2013-06-17 | Tags: calendar , enduro , ontario

See more in: WEC Ontario Mini Enduro Championship

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