Account Guide For Members Pub   Share

In preparation for registration or to use any hosted club services (forums, calendars, event registration etc), the first step is to create an account. At least one member per family needs to have an account on the website.

The Club will send you an email with a special link. This link will allow you to create an account on the RacerKidz and also specify the club you want to belong to.

Once you follow the link and create an account on RacerKidz, you will be directed through a sequence of screens where you can enter your email, a password and some basic information and then asked to confirm you want to join the club. Be sure to click continue through all the screens until done. Remember to enter the password twice to create an account.

You will receive an email to verify their email address and you need to click on the link in the respective email. Please do this as soon as possible, ideally right as you created the account.

After verifying your email address, you can update your detailed contact information - this will be used during the registration process. You will find this under Preferences/Contact menu. The Preferences show up when you click your name in the top-right corner.

You club's administrator is notified of the new membership request and will "accept it". This will notify the member as well.

That's it - at this point you're all set and as soon as the registration forms are ready, you will be notified via email to start the process.

Member's registration guide

Note that, as soon as your membership is approved (normally right away) you will have access to all the forums in the members section, including:

  • Buy and Sell
  • Ask a Coach
  • Resources
  • club calendars

Great - you are now ready to proceed with registration.

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By: Razie | 2013-10-10 .. 2014-10-31 | Tags: admin

Viewed 860 times ( | History | Print ) this page.

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