Registration Guide Pub   Share

The registration process is an interaction between the "Member" and the "Club" (really, the club's administrator)... more like a dialog.

The functionality below is available from the Preferences menu - you can get there if you log in to the site and click on your name in the top-right corner and, from the drop down menu, select Preferences.

Member's guide Club's guide


It's best to just select either the member's guide or the club's guide from the buttons above. Here's just an overall overview from both perspectives.

1. Creating an account

The first step is to create an account.

The Club will send you an email with a special link. This link will allow the member to create an account on the RacerKidz and also specify the club he/she wants to belong to.

The Member will follow the link and create an account on RacerKidz and then click "Continue" to request membership in the club. At least one member per household needs to create a valid account.

The Member will receive an email to verify their email address and need to click on the link in the respective email. Please do this as soon as possible, ideally right as you created the account.

The Club is notified of the new membership request and will "accept it". This will notify the member as well.

At this point, everyone is ready to start the registration process.

2. Registration process for families with kids

The Club will start the registration process for each member and invite them to fill out the family registration forms (from the menu Preferences/Members).

The Member will receive an email with the notification that he/she can start the registration process. They simply have to follow the link in the respective email. Also, when they log into the site, there will be a notification in bright red under "to do" that there is a registration pending.

The Member will first add the family members, especially the racers included in the registration and then fill out the registration forms. For each racer added to the registration, special forms will be created and added to the set of forms (medical, waivers etc).

The forms may be saved and completed any time. When happy with the content, the member will "submit" each form.

The Club will review and accept each form. If any form is incorrect, it will be rejected with a note and the member notified.

The Member is notified of incorrect forms and asked to correct certain entries - do so and then re-submit the form.

The Club upon approving the last form from that registration, will udpate the status of the member to "registered" and send instructions for payment of the fees. While we do not handle payments, you can use a range of services for payments, including PayPal or email.

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By: Razie | 2013-09-23 .. 2013-10-10 | Tags: admin

Viewed 1220 times ( | History | Print ) this page.

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